Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
Parent Council
The Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) acts as an advisory group to the school administration in determining community needs and formulating policies that will address these needs.
All parents and community partners are invited to join the committee and to participate in the many volunteer activities at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Elementary School. Monthly CSPC meetings are open to all parents and items can be submitted for the agenda by emailing the CSPC chair at csac@blessedsacramentcs.com.
Minutes and financial summaries will be posted in the Parent's section of this website as well as posted on the parent bulletin board located by the entrance to Kindergarten Alley.
Throughout the year, CSPC organizes various fund-raising activities that are used to fund special events, activities and purchase equipment for the school.
Information about the TCDSB CSPC
According to the Toronto Catholic District School Board's (TCDSB) CSPC guidelines, the CSPC should be as representative as possible of the Catholic school community, should be chaired by a parent/guardian of the school elected by Council members, and shall be composed of a majority of Roman Catholic members as definied in the Education Act:
Parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school (parent/guardian representatives - they will make up a majority of the council membership)
The principal of the school
One teacher who is employed at the school, to be elected by teachers who are employed at the school (teacher representative)
One person who is employed at the school, other than the principal, vice-principal or any other teacher, to be elected by persons other than the principal, vice principal or any other teacher employed at the school (non-teaching representative)
One pupil appointed by the principal after consultation with the other members of the council
The Pastor or Parish designateOne or more community representatives appointed by the Council
Constitution and By-Laws
These are the most up-to-date Constitution and By-Laws for the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Elementary School CSPC (as of January 1998):
Agendas and Minutes
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.