Our School
About Us
At Mother Cabrini Catholic School, we strive to create a community where a sense of belonging, ownership and of caring for one another prevails. Such a community should be characterized by a safe and harmonious working environment in which the needs and wellbeing of every individual are paramount.
Discipline and ‘disciple’ share the same linguistic root (Latin discipulus, meaning “a learner who learns from a teacher”). In a Catholic community like Mother Cabrini, we value each child in this light. We believe each child can achieve their personal best in a safe, welcoming and nurturing learning environment.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
The staff of Mother Cabrini Catholic School endeavour to teach the whole child. Each pupil is taught knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviours within a Catholic Christian context. Every child is unique and brings their own special talents, abilities, interests, need and learning styles. Mother Cabrini staff provide educational opportunities for each pupil that are designed to meet the uniqueness of the student.
The formal education of the student is based on the Provincial Curriculum. This curriculum is developed and adapted to meet the learning needs of the students. The class sizes at Mother Cabrini meet the Ministry and Board requirements. With these smaller classes, teachers have the opportunity to spend more time working with children individually to ascertain the effectiveness of instruction, and to more readily adapt and modify the material to suit the students' needs.
Teachers use a variety of approaches and teaching styles to reach the learning styles of students: teacher-directed lessons to large and small groups, peer teaching, open-ended individual and group projects, and a hands-on activity-based learning approach that involves the use of concrete materials and manipulatives. Language acquisition is enhanced through language experience, phonics, and sight techniques, which is especially important for the early reading programs. Learning needs which are to one particular student are addressed through the individualization of instruction, modification of work expectations, schoolwork and homework assignments, as well as appropriate testing and evaluation that addresses the student's uniqueness.
Program modification adaptation may result from teacher assessment in conjunction with parental input, through colleague consultation or from a more formal process of student program review by our school-based support team. More specialized needs may be addressed by programming with our special education teacher, guidance teacher, or regionally based child development personnel.
The faith life of the school is expressed each day with communal prayer during opening exercises. The liturgical calendar is celebrated with a particular emphasis on Advent and Lent where weekly paraliturgies provide opportunities for student involvement as leaders, and in communal workshop through prayer and song. The celebration of mass either in the school gym or at the church, and the initiation of students each year to the sacraments of Eucharist, reconciliation and confirmation are expressions of our faith. The learning experience for each child is enhanced by a wide variety of activities within the school year. Special events during the year such as artists' workshops with students, theatre presentations, theme days such as play day and winter carnival, birthday celebrations, trips, especially the week-long outdoor tournaments, and our Christmas concert/pageant and all help to make the learning experience more exciting and enjoyable. Students have the opportunity to be involved in a wide variety of activities that reinforce and use the skills developed in classroom activities.
Student involvement with athletics assists the spirit and enthusiasm of students for school. In a small school such as Mother Cabrini, students are often involved in many of the extracurricular sports activities. During the past year, student teams participated in tournaments in the following disciplines: soccer, indoor soccer, volleyball and basketball, swimming and hockey round out a full athletic program for the school.
Mother Cabrini staff have developed a Code of Behaviour, focusing on developing a respect for each person, a unique child of God, and their property. Our code emphasizes a resolution for situation that stresses the dignity of the individual, provides an opportunity for conflict resolution and dialogue with peers, parents and staff with the ultimate goal of developing self-discipline.
School History and Tradition
Mother Cabrini Catholic School was named after Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. Mother Cabrini founded the missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Italy, and traveled throughout the country opening orphanages and convents. She is known as the Patron Saint of Immigrants.
Mother Cabrini Catholic School was opened in 1969 in portables at St. Gregory and Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Schools. The present building was opened on June 30, 1970. Mother Cabrini School is part of the Nativity of Our Lord Parish community.