At Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School, we foster students’ excellence in academics, facilitate students’ faith development and make every effort to provide a safe learning environment for all of our members.
With a steadily growing number of students who have been enrolled, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School is a welcoming place that reflects our values and beliefs. We strive to provide our students with many extracurricular opportunities and exciting educational opportunities. Moreover, we are a school focused on improving student learning and achievement.
The following are examples of Our Lady of The Assumption’s commitment to student success:
School Improvement Team (SIT): A team of teachers lead by the principal who meet monthly to discuss and implement various pedagogical practices aimed at improving student learning and achievement.
Divisional Teams: Teams of teachers grouped by their teaching assignment - Kindergarten to Grade 3, Grades 4 to 6, and Grades 7 to 8 - who meet regularly to discuss student progress and instructional strategies.
Health Action Team (HAT): A teacher-led team aimed at improving student health and fitness.
Safe Schools Team: A team comprised of the principal, teachers, parents and students who discuss issue and implement practices designed to improve the security and sense of safety in the school.
Parenting and Family Literacy Center: A welcomed addition to our community since 2008.
The local school, parish and family have equally vital roles to play in the education of our Catholic students. As partners in education, we have one common purpose: to create a truly Christian learning environment for our students. Our ultimate goal is to provide a caring, academic and social environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning, autonomy in decision-making, self-discipline and respect for self and others.
The code of conduct was developed in response to the school community's growing concern over inappropriate behaviour. This code represents our practical response to this societal issue.
A safe arrival program is also in place. Two-way communication will ensure the whereabouts and safety of all our students. It is imperative for a parent to notify the school if a child is going to be absent. If we do not receive the call by 9:00 AM, we will contact the parent as soon as possible.
While traveling from home on the school bus, there are safety rules outlined in the code of conduct which are emphasized through morning announcements. When they arrive at the school, students know they must remain in the yard until the bell rings.
Computer Literacy
Every classroom has a computer schedule to ensure that each student would have a specific amount of time on computer. At every level, students are encouraged to enhance their literacy and numeracy skills through the use of computers to produce such pieces of work as math computations, young authors booklets, poetry and compositions. There is software with word problems to enhance problem solving skills. After much direction, students learn to work independently to enhance their autonomy.
Extracurricular activities include craft club, chess club and various team sports which help enrich students.
Individual needs are addressed through:
Special education programs, including primary behaviour class and the School-Based Support Team (SBST).
English as a Second Language (ESL) program.
Enrichment/gifted programs.
Programs will be adapted to meet the changing needs of our students.