Our School
About Us
At Precious Blood Catholic School, we recognize that God resides within each and every one of us: “Love one another as I have loved you”. Through our words, deeds and actions, we are called to treat one other with dignity, respect, care and love. We are a Catholic community founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and we do our best to live Gospel values each and every day. We have a shared responsibility to ensure that our children feel safe, so that they have an opportunity to grow and learn in an environment that promotes equity and inclusive education.
Students are encouraged to achieve their personal best, and to participate fully in the many co-curricular activities that take place at Precious Blood. Our dedicated staff strive for excellence, and continually nurture, guide and educate students in a positive and caring manner. Our school motto is “Perseverance. Faith. Strength."

Our Mission
In a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions, our Mission is to educate students to their full potential by providing:
Leadership in the shared responsibility for education that exists among schools, students, families, parishes, and the community.
A safe and welcoming learning environment that is an example of Christian community.
Role models of Gospel Values and Catholic doctrines, teaching, and beliefs.
Guidance in what students need to learn.
Instruction in the learning process itself.
Religious, academic and technological instruction.
Integration of Catholic, Christian beliefs into the total learning experience.
Feedback on student proficiency and performance.
Vision of Our Students
We envision students who:
Are formed in the Catholic faith.
Apply Christian values to life's opportunities, challenges, and choices.
Pursue academic excellence.
Demonstrate relevant knowledge and ability.
Display self-esteem and self-respect.
Strive to be the best they can be.
Demonstrate skills for developing and maintaining personal and family wellness.
Demonstrate global perspective and community responsibility.
Vision of TCDSB
To provide our students with the qualities they will require, our Vision of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is a school system that:
Is Christ centered.
Is student-focused.
Demonstrates a clear sense of purpose.
Is visibly and demonstrably Catholic.
Reflects empowering leadership.
Applies collaborative decision-making.
Is innovative.
Provides role models among all stakeholders for all these qualities.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Maintaining a Catholic environment which reflects strong Gospel values is the ideal through which the needs of our students are met. Our approach to meeting these needs is also based on a set of beliefs which we strive to enshrine in daily practice as we interact with our children and their parents:
Children expect and have a right to unconditional acceptance and unconditional positive regard from the significant people in their lives - their parents and their teachers.
Parents are the primary educators of their children and as such must remain in close contact with school personnel with regard to their child's well-being.
In hierarchy of needs to be met within a school community, a child's needs are the highest priority.
A strong Catholic atmosphere is promoted within the school through a number of daily practices:
Traditional and spontaneous prayer within the classrooms - before special gatherings, morning and evening, and before lunch.
In response to the catechetical program, much of the children's artwork and personal writing reflects a strong sense of the presence of God in their lives.
Children are often encouraged to express their reaction to special events or holidays through written or spoken prayer.
Major events in the church calendar (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter time) are celebrated through a variety of special events - sacrament of reconciliation, collection of food/money for charity, special liturgies, etc.
Our History and Tradition
On January 20, 1953, an indenture was signed between James and Jesse Grant of the Village of Wexford, of the township of Scarborough, and the Toronto and Suburban Separate School Board, granting this land for the simple fee of $1.00. And so we have the beginnings of Precious Blood Catholic School.
Doors were opened for the first time in September 1954 with a student enrollment of 444. Sr. St. Agnes was our first principal. Along with several other staff members over the years, Sr. St. Agnes Belonged to the Daughters of Wisdom. The number of staff in 1954 totalled 15 with only one male teacher. The school property was valued at $250,000 and the school equipment valued at $6,000.
As the suburbs grew quickly from farmlands and a dirt road (Pharmacy Avenue), so did the school population. By 1963, Precious Blood School reached an all time high enrollment of 920 students. By June 1966, work was under way for an addition to include two Kindergarten rooms, a library and a gymnasium.
Over the years, Precious Blood Catholic School has seen many changes. Gradually, our neighbourhood has matured and the student body has declined. A strong tradition of close contact between the school and Precious Blood Church has been maintained over the years. Today, we also enjoy a rich multicultural make-up in our school community.