The front of the school building.

About Us

At St. Clement Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

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The front of the school building.

How We Meet The Diverse Needs Of Our Students

In order to meet the diversified needs of our students, we ensure the presence of a Catholic school community at all times. Daily prayers, religion lessons, monthly rosary sessions, and the integration of Gospel values across the curriculum are integral components of our program. Monthly masses are prepared in conjunction with our outstanding parish team. The masses allow for students from various divisions to take leadership roles as greeters, members of the processions, and readers. Active participation in the celebration of the Eucharist is taught, modeled and encouraged.

At St. Clement, we provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment for our students so that they may work and grow to their full potential. High academic and behavioural standards are set for all. Individualized Education Plans are developed to meet the various academic, social and/or emotional needs of our students. Each child is encouraged to strive towards their expected level of performance, in all areas.

Various forms of program support and enrichment are provided, including:

  • Small group and/or peer-to-peer reading opportunities.

  • Early identification of student needs through our School Based Support and Joint Teams.

  • Scientist-in-the-School presentations for all classes.

  • Drama sessions for the Primary, Junior and Intermediate division students.

  • School/divisional assemblies led by various presenters.

  • Curriculum-related excursions.

In addition, our students enjoy the benefits of participating in many extracurricular activities that may appeal to their interests. Some of these include:

  • Athletic teams (outdoor soccer, indoor soccer, volleyball, basketball, hockey, swim, cross-country, track and field, softball)

  • Choir

  • W5H teams

  • Drama Club (major productions every few years)

  • Houseleague program (Grades 1 to 8)

  • Carnaval

  • School yearbook

  • Student Council (charitable events, spirit days, lunch days)

  • EcoSchool Team

  • Chess Club

  • Scrabble Club

  • Yoga Club

  • Quilting Club

  • Health Action Team

Our very active Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) works closely with the school staff to provide many program enrichment opportunities. Fundraising events are held annually to fund the majority of our CSPC budget. In past years, the proceeds have been used to pay for Scientist-in-the-School programs, Drama sessions through Imagination Works, playground structures, musical instruments, computer hardware, library resources, student agendas, and many other program supports.

An annual CSPC-sponsored Meet and Greet evening is hosted to welcome new parents and children to our school community. This event helps new families to meet one another, as well as longer standing members of our community. It also allows the new families to learn more about our school, its policies, procedures and programs.

Through the outstanding collegial work, commitment and Christian example of our staff, parents and parish team, the children who attend St. Clement Catholic School are blessed with an excellent educational opportunity that allows them to grow in mind, heart and faith.

School History and Tradition

Our Catholic school is named after St. Clement who, in the year 91 AD, became the third Pope after St. Peter. Like Peter and Paul, whom he knew personally, St. Clement was one of the earliest Christian writers. A famous letter of his, written to the Christians of Corinth, encouraged them to reconcile their differences and to live in unity and peace.

Clement was exiled by Emperor Trajan to the Crimea, where he was martyred in about 100 AD. St. Clement is the Patron Saint of stone cutters and sailors. The feast of St. Clement falls on November 23rd. St. Clement Catholic School strives to honour this great saint in our Catholic teachings and in all our school activities. The students are encouraged to emulate St. Clement by working and playing in harmony with one another.