The front of the school building.

About Us

The staff of St. Elizabeth Catholic School is committed to academic excellence while also providing a variety of leadership and extracurricular opportunities for our students. As well, we are committed to creating a truly accepting Catholic learning environment where respect of others is valued, where diversity is celebrated, and where students learn to advocate for themselves.

Use of the student agendas is an important vehicle for home/school communication. The school also provides a safe and welcoming environment grounded in the clearly defined Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Mission and Vision statements, our code of conduct with its guidelines and procedures, our dress code of navy blue and white and our safe arrival and safe schools program.

Students have the opportunity to take on leadership roles in our school as well as the chance to be involved in a range of cocurricular and extracurricular activities including Intermediate, Junior and Primary sports teams, Intramural teams, Chess club, Concerts, Scientist in School, Reading Buddies, Excursions, Life Skills programs, School Spirit and “Civvies” days, Fun Fair, Virtue of the Month Club, Play Days, Student Council, Me to We, Grrreen Machine (Environmental Club), Choir, Food Drives, Charitable Initiatives and many more. We also have an English as a Second Language class and Core French in grades 1 to 8.

At St. Elizabeth Catholic School, we believe that to be successful there must be open and continual communication between home and school. We can realize this as a team, with parish, home, community and school celebrating our growth and accomplishments together.

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The front of the school building.

School History and Tradition

St. Elizabeth Catholic School opened its doors to the community in 1960. Bishop Allen presided over the blessings dedication of the school to St. Elizabeth, cousin of the Virgin Mary and mother of St. John the Baptist. We celebrate her feast day on November 5.

Our school is affiliated with Our Lady of Peace Parish. The staff continues to work closely with the pastor and the parent community to celebrate school Masses and the sacraments. Throughout the year, the dedicated staff shares the responsibility of educating our fine students in the academic subjects and in the areas of personal responsibility and respect.