Wearing the Dante Alighieri Academy Catholic Secondary School uniform is an obligation and an expectation of all Dante students.
Students are expected to wear their uniform properly to and from school and during all four periods, including lunch and spare. Ministry of Education regulations and Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) policies require each school community to develop a Uniform Policy, which the Principal, Vice Principal and staff are expected to enforce strictly.
Students are expected to wear the Dante Alighieri uniform properly, exhibiting pride, neatness and good grooming. Adherence to the uniform guidelines will be determined by the Administration and school staff.
Golf Shirt must be worn each day (even with the Zip-Polo). The golf shirt along with the Dante grey pants must be worn each day. Students have the option of also wearing (on top of the golf shirt) the Dante-crested school sweater. Our spirit wear is not a part of our daily uniform.
Shoes must be all black closed shoes.
Boots are not allowed. Students may wear boots to school but must change into uniform shoes before going to class.
Spirit Wear is not the uniform and does not replace the uniform. Spirit Wear can only be worn on Spirit Days.
Only uniform items may be worn in classes. No winter coats/no jackets, no hats, no boots, and no winter accessories.
*The uniform is expected to be worn all day.
*No student should be changing out of uniform during lunch.
All secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the TCDSB shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the Principal of the school.