Anonymous Alerts
Anonymous Alerts is one of the communications tools that the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) uses to empower students to report bullying and safety issues in a quick and secure manner.
What is the Anonymous Alerts App?
The Anonymous Alerts reporting system helps to promote safe, positive and accepting School climates by empowering students to anonymously report inappropriate behaviours to school staff.
The system allows for 1-way or 2-way anonymous encrypted communications between submitters (students, parents or community members) and Administrators and/or school staff. Users of the system have the option to remain anonymous or to reveal their identity when submitting a report.
How to Submit an Anonymous Report?
Students, families and school personnel can submit a report through Anonymous Alert by web browser and mobile.
Web Browser
To send reports through a web browser, visit the Anonymous Alerts website.
The Anonymous Alerts mobile app can be downloaded directly from the Apple and Google Play stores. TCDSB supplies students, parents and community members with a generic username and password activation code. Students select the relevant school name and contact group, and send their message.
To send a report from your phone:
Download the Anonymous Alerts app for free from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
Start the App and enter activation code/username: tcdsb (this is the same as your current login name to activate the app).
Send important reports to school principal, vice-principal or other designated staff.
Add a screen shot, photo or video about the incident.
In an emergency, always call 911.
How-To Video
Please view the Anonymous Alerts Overview Video for help on how to report.
Helpful Links
PREVNet brings together researchers and national organizations to enhance awareness, build research capacity, assess bullying problems and promote evidence-based programs and effective policies across Canada. A wealth of resources for educators, parents, kids and teens is available.
Cybertip.ca is Canada's national tip line for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children. It is a charitable organization dedicated to the safety of all children.
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone provides toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counseling to young people. Includes details of the helpline number and the ability to post questions online and web response by a Kids Help Phone counsellor.
Provides information about what children of various ages are typically doing online. It describes each activity in simple terms, and provides tips for parents on how to deal with the possible risks associated with each activity.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Internet Safety Resources
This website includes information on internet safety, cyber bullying, social networking, online scams and fraud, child exploitation and Internet safety for youth.
TCDSB Suspension and Expulsion Policy
This policy affirms that, consistent with our Multi-Year Strategic Plan, Catholic Social Teachings and Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, the conduct of students as members of the Catholic school community is expected to be modeled upon Christ, and conduct falling below that standard requires appropriate discipline. Creating a positive school climate is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders.