Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is pleased to share our 2022-2025 Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP), which reflects our priorities, strategic directions and strategic goals.
Our Vision
In God’s Image: Growing in Knowledge, with Justice and Hope.
Our Mission
Nurturing the faith development and academic excellence of our Catholic learning community through the love of God, neighbour, and self.
The new MYSP was informed by feedback collected through a comprehensive stakeholder consultation process. The four stages of the MYSP Consultation and Development process took place between April and December 2021, and includes monitoring guidelines to be used to measure progress over the next three years.
We are called upon to responsively create programs, action plans, policies, and procedures that may be novel, brief, innovative, targeted, or streamlined. As such, living with, and recovering from a global pandemic requires flexibility and responsiveness at the system level.
The MYSP is an important communication and strategy tool for how the TCDSB is progressing across multiple action plans. It provides structure and strategy for ongoing improvement, with students at its centre. By describing our priorities over the next three years as a narrative, we can provide better transparency and accountability while aligning connections to the work we engage in across the Board with our staff, students, and families.
We are so grateful to everyone at the TCDSB for providing their feedback and for their steadfast commitment to our faith and the students and families we serve.
Our Stakeholders
The TCDSB values the important role of each stakeholder in the actualization of our MYSP.
Students fully engage in learning that supports their academic, spiritual, socio-emotional, and physical growth and development.
Senior Staff and Trustees lead and govern, setting policy priorities and stewarding resoucces to champion Catholic education in support of the MYSP.
Staff collaborate with all stakeholders to implement evidence-based strategies that support learning, equity, and well-being in a Catholic community.
Families engage with staff to support their children’s learning and well-being, and strengthen the relationship between home, school, and parish.
Community members contribute to the MYSP through ongoing collaboration, partnerships, engagement, and consultation.
Our Catholic Priorities
Our new 2022-2025 MYSP was developed to reflect our Catholic priorities of Knowledge, Justice and Hope, which will guide our strategic directions and goals.

Supporting Documents
The following supporting documents provide more information and resources related to our 2022-2025 MYSP.