Front of the Holy Rosary Catholic School building

Parent Council

Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students. Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum for families to understand, engage and support issues that affect the education of our students.

Our CSPC members include parents/guardians, school administration team members and community representatives.

Our Vision

To be the voice for the Holy Rosary Catholic School parents and guardians and to provide a forum for communication and participation.

Our Goal

To provide you with information regarding your child's education, financial reports, fundraising and upcoming school events.  Therefore, we would like to encourage all of you to come to our meetings and to play an active role in the decision making at our school.

Contact Us

To contact our CSPC, email us at

Meeting Dates

Our meetings are held at 7:00 PM.

Agendas and Minutes

You can find the following agendas and minutes: