Because we believe in the worth and dignity of all human persons, we, the members of the Mary Ward school community, declare the following:
We affirm the multicultural and multiracial dimension of our community; prejudice, stereotyping, and jokes and language which insult or ridicule another culture or race, are not acceptable to use. We pledge our commitment to raise awareness, to realize we have a problem and to change our old ways.
We affirm the full equality of persons, male and female. Stereotyping, negative language and attitudes which see women as inferior to men, or which expect men to be “macho” are not acceptable to us. We pledge our commitment to raise awareness, to realize we have a problem and to change our old ways.
We affirm that the hope of humanity lies in peace and reconciliation. Physical and emotional violence, gossip, bullying and selfish behaviour are not acceptable to us. We pledge our commitment to raise awareness, to realize we have a problem and to change our old ways.
We, the members of the Mary Ward community declare our willingness to continue the many positive things we have been doing to build a better society. When abuses occur, we pledge that we will act with courage and concern to stop negative behaviour. We make our commitment to this declaration in the name of Jesus, who modeled this behaviour, and whose spirit guides our actions.