December 1, 2023
Advent is celebrated on four consecutive Sundays. In 2023, it begins on December 3 and ends on December 24.
Visit our Nurturing Our Catholic Community website for information ...

November 28, 2023
Toronto Fire Station 444 stopped by Mother Cabrini Catholic School to educate our students on fire safety. Despite the cold temperatures, our students had a great experience!

November 1, 2023
During November's Virtue of the Month - Peacemaking, we encourage school communities to reflect on this Virtue, a call made by His Holiness Pope Francis on the importance of peace...

November 1, 2023
On November 11, we honour those who fought and gave their lives to defend the rights, privileges and freedoms that we are fortunate to have in Canada today.
Visit the Governme...

October 20, 2023
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) commemorates Canada’s First National Internment Operations on October 28.
Proclamation Commemorating Canada’s First National ...

October 5, 2023
October is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month in Canada. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes challenges in language, communication ski...

September 29, 2023
Latin-Hispanic Canadian Heritage Month is observed in October. It is an opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate future generations about the outstanding achievements and co...

September 28, 2023
The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month (CAM) campaign is an annual event occurring in October with the goal of promoting safer and more secure online and digital technology practices acro...

September 22, 2023
Mother Cabrini Catholic School held our Terry Fox kick off assembly today!

September 13, 2023
The February 2024 school calendar for Mother Cabrini Catholic School has been posted, and can be found on our School Calendars and Newsletters page.

September 1, 2023
Dear TCDSB Families,
Tuesday, September 5th marks the beginning of a new school year! We look forward to welcoming students back to school. To help you and your child(r...

August 16, 2023
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is pleased to announce the Top Scholars from each Ward for the 2022-23 academic year.
These top students exceeded provincial...

July 18, 2023
The first day of school for students is September 5, 2023. Visit our School Year Calendar page to review school holidays, Professional Activity (PA) days, and other important dat...

June 28, 2023
Dear TCDSB Community,
As we bid farewell to the 2022-2023 academic year, we would like to wish you all a rejuvenating and joyous summer ahead. May it be filled with cherished a...

June 27, 2023
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)’s Unsung Heroes recognition initiative was created to acknowledge our current employees and volunteers for their contributions t...

June 23, 2023
For the second year in a row, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) will be offering a variety of additional Summer Learning Programs that begin the week of July 4, 2...

June 9, 2023
The International Languages Elementary (ILE) After-Hours program offers language classes to students who want to learn another language in addition to English and French.
The 2...

June 8, 2023
The Toronto Catholic District School board continues to foster an environment which not only promotes student engagement within learning, but where the social, emotional, and spir...

June 7, 2023
Dear TCDSB Community:
Environment Canada has issued a special air quality statement for the Greater Toronto Area due to the Quebec wildfires. It is anticipated that this speci...

April 30, 2023
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) celebrates the World Principals (and Vice Principals) Day on May 1.
Our TCDSB Prayer for Principals and Vice Principals