St. Alphonsus Catholic School
Parent Council
Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students.
Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum for families to understand, engage and support issues that affect the education of our students.
Our CSPC is made up of parents/guardians, school administration team members and community representatives.
The purpose of CSPC is to support the principal and staff in their efforts to build a better school community. We represent parent and student concerns and work together to support the academic and social activities at the school. We focus on fundraising to support school and community activities.
Where & When?
Our CSPC meets in the teacher's lounge, which is located on the ground floor of the school. For the meeting dates and times, please refer to the school newsletter.
How do you get involved? Come join us at our next meeting. You have a voice at the table! Or contact us by email (cspc.stalphonsus@tcdsb.org) or voice mail (416-397-6800 mailbox #88326).
Agendas and Minutes
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.