Our School
About Us
At St. Anselm Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

St. Anselm Pride
Our school is named after St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (circa 1033-1109) whose feast day is April 21. Born in Aosta, Italy, St. Anselm acquired a reputation for learning and piety. This renowned saint is an excelled role model for the school community, as he personifies great courage and outstanding scholarship as a theologian, philosopher and church leader. St. Anselm's celebrated works were projects of the faith seeking understanding. His beliefs and scholarship form the framework of St. Anselm's rich tradition.
Our Philosophy
St. Anselm is a small school of approximately 350 students located in the Leaside area of Toronto. Our philosophy is based on the fundamental principal of fostering positive feelings of self-worth in the people. We take Pride in our school. We expect that all students will Participate in the school community, assume Responsibility for their actions, show Initiative, test themselves with Dignity and demonstrate concern for our Environment.
St. Anselm Virtues of the Month
September - Hospitality
October - Gratitude
November - Peacemaking
December - Charity
January - Courage
February - Love
March - Forgiveness
April - Justice
May - Compassion
June - Faithfulness
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Our school contributes critically to the formation of our children in their faith life. In partnership with the home and parish, our students grow in knowledge of prayer, scripture and Catholic teaching.
Catholic Foundation
St. Anselm Catholic School provides a learning environment where models of Gospel values and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of the school. Religious instruction, family life programs and values in education provide students with a firm foundation in their faith development. Throughout the year, staff and students participate in organizing and attending liturgical celebrations, organizing food drives, and leading opening exercises. There is a bi-weekly visit from the priest and the Rosary group visits during the Mary months.
The school is implementing programs from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 which are based on the expectations developed by the Ministry of Education. This also includes programs for the exceptional student.
Enrichment activities, supported by a financial contribution by the Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) and significant community involvement, are a part of regular classroom programming. School trips, visiting theatrical and science groups are examples of enrichment in the school.
Special Education
The school provides to each exceptional student, access to the regular program and to the educational mainstream. The student is placed in the most enabling environment to the extent to which it is practical and beneficial. Program modification and remediation are planned and offered where needed, arising out of the advice of the school-based support team, the joint inter-disciplinary team, and parental advice and support. Formal assessment and identification of the student as exceptional are sometimes necessary. Identified students are supported by a special education teacher (who offers programs in the learning centre) or by a teacher of multiple exceptionalities and possibly by educational assistants. Students who have been formally identified as “Gifted” attend a specialized program once a week at St. Monica Catholic School.
Fixed attendance boundary
Please note that St. Anselm Catholic School has a fixed attendance boundary. Schools with Board-established attendance boundaries do not permit registration of students outside those defined attendance areas. There is no waitlist for these schools.
Our School History and Tradition
St. Anselm School was opened in September 1939 with two classrooms. Miss Mary Breen was the first principal. The school is named after St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury. This renowned saint is an excellent role model for the students, as he personifies great courage and outstanding scholarship. Additions were built in 1943, 1947 and 1951. The library and gymnasium were added in 1966.

In 1997, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) approved funds for the demolition of the 1938 and 1943 wings and the construction of a two-story addition. During the construction, all of the students were transported to 1107 Avenue Road, now the location of Marshall McLuhan High School. Staff and students moved back to the newly built and renovated school in May 1998.
St. Anselm Catholic School has a long tradition of excellence and continues to maintain strong ties with St. Anselm Catholic Church. We celebrate mass on a monthly basis, each classroom teacher takes the responsibility to organize a monthly mass.