St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School
Parent Council
Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students.
Our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum for families to understand, engage and support issues that affect the education of our students. Our CSPC members include parents/guardians, school administration team members and community representatives.
Get Involved!
We are looking to build an even stronger parent community at St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School. We understand how challenging it can be to find the time to be a part of the school parent community, but there are many different ways you can help. If you are interested in helping us in any way, whether it is on a regular basis or for a one time event, please contact any member of the school Parent Council or sign up on the volunteer sheet included. You may also send us an email at cspc.stpaschalbaylon@tcdsb.org.
Ways You Can Help
Attend a Parent Council Meeting (new parents are always welcome to attend our Parent Council Meetings to offer ideas, support, or to find out more about what is happening at the school).
Join a Sub-Committee (sub-committees help with one-off initiatives like special events or the school expansion initiative)
Help Plan a Special Event (help us plan special events for the school like Dances, Pictures with Santa, the Family Advent Mass etc.).
Be a Parent Volunteer (helping on the day of special events).
Collect Prizes and Donations (we are always looking for donations that can be used as prizes for events, special treats for the students, or new/unused toys, books and board games as donations to the school classrooms).
Donation Drives & Fundraising (help organize our food drive, book drives or other fundraising initiatives).
Administrative Tasks (we always need help with photocopying, creating and hanging posters, printing pictures, updating the parent council bulletin board, updating newsletter).
School Decorating (help create seasonal planters, decorate the school for special events, create prayer tables, helping with sewing requests).
Do you speak a second language? You can help welcome new families and provide translation help.
We truly appreciate any help and look forward to meeting you!
Agendas and Minutes
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.