Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) is a vibrant and welcoming community that provides a supportive and enriching environment for its students.
With a commitment to faith and service, OLPH fosters a supportive environment that encourages students to develop their skills, pursue their passions, and become responsible and engaged citizens.
The Toronto Student Transportation Group (TSTG) Portal provides improved access to school bus information for Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) parents. For eligibility and details for pick up and drop off go directly to the designated website or the TCDSB Transportation website.
If you are experiencing a bus delay, updates on school bus services are online.
For parents and caregivers of students using the before and after school childcare program, please be advised of the following:
If, for any reason, your child will not attend the before or after care on a certain day, please advise the childcare staff directly and your child’s teacher in writing.
When picking up your child from childcare, please use the designated buzzer system on the right side of the main door to enter and exit. Please do not use any other school door or the school office buzzer.
Please note that students and/or caregivers cannot access their regular daytime classroom before/after being picked up from childcare.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the above as this will ensure the safety and privacy of all our students and staff.
*The Garfield Avenue Children’s Circle is a separate entity that is held on our school property. Please call Anna Murray at 416-963-9242 or email at childrencircle@bellnet.ca.
Please review the dress code outlined in our Board Policy S.S.07 on Dress Codes. There will be several spirit and dress-down days during the year outlined on the events calendar and in emails. If a student chooses not to participate in designated dress down days, the expectation is they arrive to school in solid navy blue and white dress code.
Students will also have the option of a dress down day on their birthday. If a student’s birthday falls on a weekend, the Friday before will be the designated dress down day. For students with birthdays outside of the school calendar, a designated day will be communicated through the school events calendar.
Students are expected to attend school always dressed neatly and appropriately. We expect all students to comply with the dress code. Your cooperation in ensuring your child leaves home in the appropriate attire is key to reducing infractions and inconveniences that result when compliance is not adhered to.
*Please remember to label all clothing, fanny packs, hats, water bottles, lunch bags, coats, boots, etc.
Families using Kiss N Ride are reminded when approaching the roundabout that students' masks should be on. Families will undo seatbelts and have backpacks readily available. Please note, if your child requires an escort (kindergarten) please identify and they will be escorted to the yard.
Volunteers will open the car door, assist children exiting the vehicle if necessary and close the car door. The volunteer will remain outside of the car.
*Reminder when using the roundabout to please be patient and wait for a Kiss N Ride volunteer to approach your car at the designated stops.
All grades have designated areas in the yard to ensure appropriate physical distancing measures can occur. We have two lunchtime supervisors to assist with student supervision. To ensure the safety of all, students will not be permitted to leave the school property during the lunch hour.
This program is an integral part of the board's commitment to promote and teach our students the importance of being stewards of the earth and reducing student movement during snack and lunch times.
Pack lunches and snacks in reusable containers, not in disposable bags.
Use containers that are resealable to avoid spills.
Ensure the safety of students by placing all foods in reusable containers in their original packaging. This will allow the food ingredients to be clearly indicated and help all staff and students to be aware of possible allergens introduced in the school.
Note: We will be asking students to bring home all waste items.
Allergies: We have students in our school with severe life-threatening food allergies (anaphylaxis) to peanuts, nut products and other food items. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, it is essential that students bring snacks and lunch which are peanut and nut free.
No food items and birthday treats should be brought to school for sharing, due to food allergies and other precautions. Keeping our students safe is everyone’s responsibility.