Our School
Dress Code
As a Catholic School, we have Christ as our example, which gives us the important responsibility of acting in a Christian manner at all times. What we wear speaks volumes, and we therefore require students to wear appropriate clothing to school.
Clothing with narrow strapped tops, crop tops or short shorts and skirts are not acceptable. Hats are not to be worn inside the building. The length of shorts should be above the knee for all students from Grades 4 to 8. If leggings are worn under a short skirt or shorts, the skirt or shorts must be of an appropriate and acceptable length. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School also has a no makeup policy for all students.
Appropriate Dress Code
White or navy golf or polo shirt (collared, long or short/sleeve).
White cotton blouse or shirt.
White or navy turtle neck sweater.
Navy sweater (with or without hood).
Navy sweatshirt.
T-shirt (white or navy).
Navy trousers - no jeans or denim.
Navy sweat pants.
Navy yoga-style exercise pants.
Navy skirts/skorts/shorts at the appropriate length, above the knee.
Navy dresses.
Navy cargo or capri style pants.
Knee socks or tights in white or navy.
Running shoes, other soft-soled non-marking shoes or sandals.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.