Our School
About Us
Notre Dame High School is a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions. We believe that all students can succeed. We educate young women to assume leadership in their families, the Church, and in the global community by providing:
Continued spiritual development modeled on the Gospel values.
A safe and welcoming learning environment.
The skills necessary for students to reach and exceed the provincial standards in Literacy and Numeracy, develop the Learning Skills and 21st Century Competencies that will facilitate their success, and the Essential Learning Outcomes of each course.
A challenging program for gifted students and high-achieving students.
A program for Special Education students that reaches and exceeds the goals outlines in their Individual Education Plans.
A curriculum that includes the effective use of technology.
A collaborative environment that encourages school, parent, family, parish, and community involvement.
We envision students who will work to:
Apply Christian values to life’s experiences.
Become respectful, caring Christian women.
Achieve academic excellence to the best of their potential.
Foster self-esteem and self-respect in pursuit of lifelong learning.
Demonstrate skills for developing and maintaining personal and family wellness.
Build safe, non-violent homes and communities.
Demonstrate global understanding and community responsibility.
Notre Dame Welcomes Future Students!
Leadership and Academic Excellence
Notre Dame believes in the success and leadership of every young woman. Religion is the main theme and teaching that is valued at Notre Dame. We value the gospel teachings, which help students have a better understanding of their relationship with God.
We also help students achieve their academic potential. We help them reach their post-secondary destination by nurturing their talents and gifts. Students who have an IEP receive support throughout their experience at Notre Dame.
Notre Dame offers a gifted and Advanced Placement (AP) program. Technology is integrated into the curriculum, and balances all subject areas, from math and science, to physical education and the arts. The support from guidance counselors, chaplaincy and student-teacher mentoring, help your child pursue their interests and future plans. Notre Dame offers comprehensive programs that will prepare students going to college, university or the work field.
The school’s EQAO preparation initiatives in Grade 10 Literacy and Grade 9 Numeracy have resulted in consistent performance that has exceeded both the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) and provincial scores.

Co-Curricular Programs
Notre Dame offers many extra and co-curricular opportunities for students ranging from mathematics, art, Skills Canada, and essay-writing competitions and science fairs. There are many clubs for a wide variety of interests, as well as leadership initiatives and athletics. Notre Dame has something for everyone!

School History and Tradition
In 1941 the Congregation of Notre Dame founded Notre Dame High School to provide excellence in education for young Catholic women in the east end of Toronto. The Sisters of the Congregation were teaching at the school throughout the first sixty years of our long history.
Notre Dame began in 1941 as a small church building, and grew to the Main Building, built in 1950. O’Connor Hall, a second building, was added in 1963 and is named in honour of Monsignor Denis O’Connor, pastor of St. John Parish, who provided the first site of Notre Dame. Further growth saw Notre Dame hold classes in the neighbouring St. John Catholic Elementary School.
Traditions are an integral part of the Notre Dame Community. Starting from a very small group of adventurous young women who engendered a sense of connection and defined what we have come to call Notre Dame Spirit, we have created a “home away from home”, in which a sense of sisterhood is fostered and celebrated. Our monthly assemblies, our annual service initiatives, such as the Thanksgiving Food Drive and the Christmas Baskets, as well as our Graduation celebrations, are rooted in our deep sense of connection to our history. Our traditions reflect and respond to God’s call to become fully alive, to create a loving community and to build the kingdom of God by nurturing the potential in each of our students. The pioneers would recognize in our community today the gift that has always been ours - to make a lot out of a little.
Notre Dame Spirit is an audible, tangible thing that we experience in our assemblies, liturgies, performances and athletics. Each year we organize events in which the whole school participates. Our Student Council coordinates traditional events such as Assemblies, Civvies Days, Semi Formals and the Welcome Barbeque. The Athletic Council organizes events such as Spirit Week and the Walk-A-Thon. Other traditions carried on by our Chaplaincy team include liturgies, grade retreats and our Lenten project. We are also well known for our joyous celebration of Multicultural Day, Graduation, Christmas Baskets, and our generous response to social justice and humanitarian causes. We are a school of leadership, excellence and service in a dynamic environment.