Our School
Dress Code
In order to increase safety and heighten the awareness of community, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has a mandatory dress code. The dress code colours are navy and white. Clothes must be logo and stripe-free.
Please review the information on this page regarding items that are acceptable and unacceptable for students to wear.
Please note that St. John The Evangelist Catholic School "Spirit Wear" is permitted.
Acceptable Dress Code
White Tops
Turtle neck sweaters, t-shirts, dress shirts and blouses, golf shirts and sweat shirts (logo-free), Navy blue sweaters, vests and cardigans allowed over white tops.
Navy Blue Bottoms
Pants, cords, walking shorts, sweatpants, skirts, jumpers, with navy and white tights/socks.
Unacceptable Dress Code
Jeans, jean dresses/skirts, jean shorts, jeggings, tights without skirt or jumper over top, short-shorts, bicycle shorts, tops with spaghetti straps, muscle shirts (i.e., sleeveless).
Any shorts with logos or slogans unless it is a school crest.
Any type of halter or belly top. Midriff should be covered.
Extremely tight, baggy, short tops or bottoms.
General Guidelines
The code asks students to dress in a comfortable, neat, clean and practical manner that shows self-respect and is appropriate to a working day in a Catholic School.
The dress code is also in effect during excursions and other school activities, unless specified by the school.
If a student is inappropriately dressed and out of uniform, parents will be notified and the student may be sent home to change clothing, or given an alternate garment to wear. If your child does not follow our dress code policy on a consistent basis, you will be contacted by the school and may be required to attend a meeting in order to resolve the issue.
We thank you for your support on this important matter.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.