Our School
About Us
Brebeuf College School is a boys’ secondary school founded by the Jesuit Fathers in 1963 and associated with the Presentation Brothers since 1984. Brebeuf College has a tradition of devotion to Christian values and academic excellence, which prepares students for their roles in society.
Students participate in a wide spectrum of activities, including music, and drama productions, as well as a variety of athletic programs at both the intramural and extramural levels. Gifted, Resource, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Co-operative Education programs are available for students with appropriate qualifications. As well, Brebeuf offers a Congregated Information Technology (IT) Advanced Placement (AP) program that allows students to study enriched materials and to develop university level skills. In many cases they may also earn advanced placement (credit) for university, while still in high school.
The school uniform is a distinctive black blazer or sweater, grey pants, school tie, and black dress shoes. The school crest, in the school colours of red, white and black, bears the motto, “Studio Gradum Faciant" - "Let Them Succeed Through Earnest Endeavour". The school operates on the semester system and has an enrolment of approximately 700 students.
History of our School
Brebeuf College School is named after the Jesuit missionary St. Jean de Brebeuf, and opened with 100 students in Grade 9 and 10 in September 1963. Their Excellencies, Bishops Philip F. Pocock and Francis A. Marrocco presided at the official opening and solemn blessing on January 5, 1964.
Brebeuf’s first graduating class in 1966 consisted of 30 students. In May 1983, Fr. William Ryan, the Provincial of the Jesuits, announced that the Jesuits were going to give up responsibilities for the operation of Brebeuf College School by June 1984. This decision was made necessary by the steady decline of available manpower.
Immediately, Cardinal Carter and the staff of the Archdiocese began to explore the possibilities to ensure the continual operation of Brebeuf. In February 1984, Cardinal Carter’s office announced that the Presentation Brothers were willing to assume responsibility for Brebeuf College, and would officially take over on July 31, 1984. Brother Lawrence Maher served as principal from July 1984 to June 1996. Brebeuf has been under lay personnel of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) since September 1997.
In 2022, Brebeuf College School once again became officially part of the Jesuit family of schools as an institution endorsed by the Society of Jesus.
Mission Statement
Brebeuf College School is a community of faith following in the traditions of the Jesuit Fathers and the Presentation Brothers. Brebeuf integrates Christian principles and Catholic values with all living and learning experiences in an environment recognizing the spiritual dignity of each individual as a child of God.
Brebeuf College School is a family of students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumni working together to encourage excellence, integrity, responsibility, initiative, and respect for one another in the classroom, on the playing field, and in the larger community of parish, municipality, and country.
Brebeuf College School stands for an education that develops soundness in mind, body, and soul centred on academic and moral discipline. Brebeuf encourages the spirit to soar and the imagination to inquire. Brebeuf nurtures the sense of wonder in each boy’s unique development. Brebeuf rewards hard work and eager application. Brebeuf expects all members of its family to realize the fullness of the potential given by God.
Brebeuf College School believes that the way, the truth, and the life, informed by the teachings of Jesus, lead one to success, to happiness, and to service as Men for Others. Brebeuf's hallmarks are faith, excellence, fellowship and tradition.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Brebeuf College School offers excellence in a wide-ranging programme of academic subjects and creative arts, but not without a commitment to respond to the deeper aspirations of the students. It attempts to carry its students beyond academic excellence to the meaning of their lives. For this purpose, Brebeuf pursues its goals in the context of the Christian vision of life, a vision that gives everything in the school its character and direction.
Brebeuf College School offers a cooperative education program. Students learn to develop communication, interview and resume skills. This program allows them to explore career choices before they enter university.
Our resource program aims to:
Merge “regular” and “special” education as much as possible.
Work side by side with classroom teachers delivering curriculum.
Focus on literacy development across the curriculum.
Empower our students to be independent community members and community builders.
Provide a framework for a student's success in a non-categorical model of service.
Brebeuf provides a comprehensive course of study for Grade 9 students. The program we offer is structured to nurture the skills considered necessary to a student's success and the values held by the Brebeuf community. As a school community, we have a common goal to provide our students with the education that will best equip them to live successfully and responsibly in a complex and changing world. As the needs of the students change, the program offered at Brebeuf College School will be adapted to respond to those needs.