Visual Arts - Digital Arts & Tech Design
Visual Arts Council

Mission Statement
The Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts Visual Arts Council, is a student-led organization composed of dedicated and ambitious visual artists. Throughout the years, the council has worked hand in hand with the students and staff of our school to help foster a positive and supportive community within our art area.
Our ongoing efforts include hosting a variety of events and workshops year-round, open to students of all grades, aimed at enhancing their skills in various mediums and fostering connections.
Additionally, we are committed to providing platforms for students to display their creative talents, including Artists Spotlights and multiple galleries held throughout the year. Through this, we strive to provide each and every student in visual arts with a unique and unforgettable academy experience.
President Statement
As presidents of the CCAA Visual Arts council we are dedicated to facilitating growth in the arts through our thorough experience as senior students at this school. In the 2023-2024 school year we hope to collaborate with other councils in order to create a cross departmental experience for arts students and allow them to have new experiences and meet new people.
Our initiatives are showcased on our instagram page @ccaavisualartscouncil_tcdsb.