Francis Libermann Catholic High School has developed a rich history in its relatively young life. Founded in 1977 by Father John Geary, and staffed by a small group of dedicated professionals, the school at once established itself as a model of academic excellence and faith experience.
The school's motto, “Inter Mutanda Constantia” - "Steadfastness in the midst of change" - has indeed proven to be the guiding principle of Francis Libermann Catholic High School. We have maintained a traditional, non-semestered and coeducational school which holds in high regard both academic excellence and Gospel values.
The emphasis on community and faith experience has led to the foundation of some highly regarded traditions, from our retreat program to a wide variety of support to charities. Students are encouraged and given the opportunity to live out Gospel values within their community as well. Ours is a rich, diverse, and multi-ethnic population whose members see daily the true value of those blessings. That strong community spirit has remained intact at Francis Libermann through a dedicated staff and vibrant student body.
Francis Libermann Catholic High School is comprised of students, parents, teachers and support staff who work together in an equitable partnership to foster personal growth, academic excellence and community outreach in a student-focused and Christ-centric learning environment.
Francis Libermann is a non-semestered, co-educational secondary school. Our school is proud to provide a positive learning environment for all students. Equity is part of our Mission statement and we deal with this issue on many levels on a daily basis. This allows for all students to benefit from individual modifications with support from the special education, student services and English as a Second Language (ESL) departments.