Congregated Advanced Placement (CAP)
The Congregated Advanced Placement (AP) Program at Francis Libermann provides an enriched classroom setting for highly motivated students in the areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Sciences. The program begins in Grade 9 with congregated AP prep classes in which students study both the Ontario and the AP curriculum and leads to AP classes in Grades 11 and 12 that prepare students to write AP exams for advanced placement or credit in university. The Congregated AP Program is also an excellent enrichment opportunity for students who are identified Gifted. All strong academic students are encouraged to apply.
The flexibility of the AP Program allows students to select the number of AP classes that suit their learning needs. The Congregated AP Program at Francis Libermann allows students to choose as few as one AP class, or the full complement of AP courses offered at the school in order to work towards the AP Scholar designation which is recognized world-wide.
Francis Libermann will accept a limited number of students into the Congregated AP Program in Grade 9. Places of admission into the program will be granted based on previous report cards, CAT 4 scores, principal/teacher's confidential reports, as well as the student's desire to commit to the level of study required by the enriched classroom setting.
Future Costs
The College Board charges approximately $100 USD per AP exam. This amount is payable in the year that the AP exam will be written, in either Grade 11 and/or 12, depending on the AP subject. Students can speak to the AP Coordinator to make alternate financial arrangements if necessary.