Photo - Group photo of the participating students with staff

L’Organization Internationale de la Francophonie in collaboration with the General Consulate of Romania in Toronto and The Romanian Lectorate from Glendon College have celebrated 30 years of Francophonie in Romania and in the Romanian communities across the world. For this occasion, all students from Manitoba and Ontario were challenged to create a 90 second video to showcase a Romanian who contributed to the Francophonie in their lifetime. 

A group of students from Bishop Allen Academy submitted their videos and four of them were awarded for their work.

The first prize was presented to grade 11 student, Reese McC., who created a video simulating a conversation with the Romanian painter, Constantin Brancusi. Reese won $300, a diploma and two books about Romania. 

The second place was awarded to grade 11 student, Nathan L., who “had a conversation” with the Romanian born writer, Elie Wiesel. Nathan expressed his admiration for Wiesel’s writing about the Holocaust. Nathan received $200, a diploma and two books about Romania. 

The third prize winner was a grade 9 student, Sophia L.-M., who expressed her admiration for the Romanian born artist, Petra Marian, who created a bridge between Guadalupe and Paris in her art contributing to both Francophone communities. Sophia received $100, a diploma and two books about Romania. 

Alexis V. was the fourth place. She created her video about the Romanian-French Canadian writer, Miruna Tarcau. She received a diploma and two books about Romania. The writer will be sending Alexia her book autographed as well. 

The students who created their videos on the Romanian-Canadian writer, Felicia Mihali, will also receive Mihali's books autographed by the author. 

All students received a participation diploma. 

The French Department is very proud of all the accomplishments of the students in the French program! Congratulations, all!

Read more about this event at La Roumanie fête son appartenance à la francophonie.

Group photo of the participating students with staff

Photo of winning student holding up award certificate and book

Photo of winning student with awarded certificate and book

Photo of student with award certificate

Photo of student with award certificate and books