Corporate Services
Partnership Development
The mandate of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Partnership Development Department is the central management of strategic, system-wide partnership and business opportunities presented by external organizations from the private and public sectors to support Board-wide initiatives and projects that are consistent with TCDSB vision and mission, policies and procedures and Catholic values.
The TCDSB realizes the community can play a very distinct role in the development of children, and is interested in building school-business relationships based on sound principles and values that can contribute significantly to the quality of its students’ education. The focus of the Board falls on relationship-building and social responsibility.
TCDSB partnerships exist within, and across, many sectors and include individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, post-secondary institutions, governments and community organizations.
Post-Secondary Institutions Placement Requests in TCDSB Schools
All post-secondary students requesting placements in TCDSB schools are requested to complete and submit a student placement request form.
Community Planning and Partnerships
In accordance with the Ministry of Education Community Planning and Partnerships (CPP) Guideline, the Board is actively seeking out facility partnerships with organizations that will benefit our Board, students and the community at large.