Sustainable Outdoor Environments
Bike Rack Program
The Sustainable Outdoor Environment, Capital Development team's Bike Rack program in partnership with Green Communities Canada, bringing free bike racks to school communities within TCDSB, is now available for TCDSB schools.
A Sustainable Outdoor Environments team member will coordinate a site meeting with the designated school representative (Principal unless indicated otherwise) to review the site and determine the most suitable locations for the bike rack. A site map with the locations indicated will be provided to the designated school representative (Principal) for their final review and signature/approval. The Sustainable Outdoor Environments team will submit the finalized site map to Green Communities Canada (GCC) for approval and then coordinate installations between GCC and the school.
Schools interested in having bike racks on their property can email Bryan Henderson (Sustainable Outdoor Environments Supervisor) at bryan.henderson@tcdsb.org.
For further information on eligibility for this program or general questions, please send an email request to kelly.shen@tcdsb.org.