Five children holding books over their faces.

Gifted Programs

The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) administers a universal assessment to all grade four students. Results from this assessment inform a consideration for the exceptionality of Giftedness. Students who meet the criteria are offered the opportunity to be presented at an Identification, Placement and Review Committee meeting (IPRC).

The TCDSB offers a full range of placement opportunities for students who are identified with the exceptionality of Giftedness, including a one-day-a-week gifted withdrawal program and a full-time congregated intensive support class placement.

If you require more information about our Congregated Gifted Programs, please contact Nina Corrado, Assessment and Programming Teacher, at

Congregated Gifted Program Open Houses

Families who are interested in learning more about the Congregated Gifted Program are invited to attend the Congregated Gifted Open Houses to be held at the individual Congregated Gifted Centers during January.

Refer to our flyer for dates and times.