Psychological Services
The Psychology Department of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) supports all children, youth, and families within the TCDSB to access the learning, behavior, and mental health supports needed to thrive in school and at home.
The department includes Psychologists and Psychological Associates in School Psychology or School and Clinical/Counseling Psychology. Our department members hold a Master's Degree or Ph.D. and come from diverse cultural backgrounds and languages to help service the TCDSB population.
Additionally, our members have specialized training and are registered and in good standing with the College of Psychologists of Ontario or are working towards becoming registered.
They are also members of the Special Services team in each TCDSB school. This team is formed by a Psychologist or Psychological Associate, a Social Worker, a Speech and Language Pathologist, and an Assessment and Programming Teacher.
Service Overview
Requests for psychological services are initiated to answer questions and offer supports related to learning, child development, behaviour, and/or social and emotional difficulties.
Psychology staff may work with individual students, groups of students, as well as parents and teachers. Our services include:

How To Access Psychological Services
The process to request psychological services begins with the school administrator.
The administrator schedules a meeting, a Case Conference (CC) or a School-Based Student Learning Team (SBSLT) meeting to discuss the student’s strengths and needs.
Then the psychologist provides recommendations from a psychological and ethical perspective in the best interest of the student.
If the student is under 18 years old, informed parental consent is required.