Our School
About Us
The St. Mary Catholic Academy community is built on our Catholic Gospel values, which are the foundation of our school philosophy. It is for that reason - our commitment to being witnesses of our faith - that we nurture the spiritual and religious development of all members of our community. Our commitment to our religious journey is marked by several important community-building traditions, including daily prayers, regular school masses, and liturgies. In addition, we have an active Chaplaincy Team that provides support to our community as we nurture the development of the whole child.
In conjunction with our Chaplaincy Team, St. Mary’s has established a Student Success Team. This team is comprised of Administrators, Guidance Counsellors, the Student Success Teacher, Credit Recovery Teachers, the Literacy and Numeracy Lead Teachers, and LOG teachers. This team focuses on meeting the needs of at-risk students by bridging the gap between elementary and secondary school, forging mentoring relationships, and providing students with academic and emotional support. Resource Personnel, Child Youth Workers, and Educational Assistants, all of whom are committed to student success, complement this team.
We believe that all students, including those who have been identified with exceptionalities, have the right to full and active participation in our community. Our inclusive model facilitates this, allowing all of our students to develop to the best of their abilities. Through the necessary accommodations and/or modifications, our students are successful whether their goal is the workplace, college, apprenticeship, or university.
St. Mary Catholic Academy offers students a breadth of courses that are as diverse as are the needs of students. Students have the opportunity to explore the arts, modern languages, and technology while completing their core courses. St. Mary provides a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in the area of Transportation Technology, allowing students who are interested in the automotive industry to deepen their theoretical and practical understanding. As well, we offer an extensive cooperative education program and comprehensive English as a Second Language (ESL) courses to meet the needs of our English language learners. To meet the growing computer literacy interests of today’s students, St. Mary also has five computer labs. Our state-of-the-art science labs are also equipped with computer interface technology.
Our students are challenged to reach their potential in their academic and extracurricular achievements. Through the Achievement of Excellence, students are recognized for their contributions to our community, as they build their repertoire of skills. St. Mary offers students a multitude of opportunities outside the classroom. We compete at the varsity and intramural levels in several sports, including soccer, track and field, volleyball, and basketball. We also showcase students’ artistic talents through dramatic productions, band and choir performances, and art showings. We also offer students the opportunity to actively participate in many leadership activities and clubs, including a thriving Empowered Students Partnership (ESP) team, which has received municipal recognition for its contribution in supporting a safe school community. In keeping with our commitment to uphold Gospel values, we also provide our students with many volunteer opportunities both locally and internationally to work with the less fortunate and marginalized of society.
St. Mary is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility, and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All students, parents, and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in the school community. The Ontario Schools Code of Conduct sets clear provincial standards of behaviour. It specifies the mandatory consequences for student actions that do not comply with these standards. The St. Mary Catholic Academy code of conduct complies with the Ontario Schools Code of Conduct. As such, our students are expected to follow these regulations and Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) policies.

School History and Tradition
St. Mary Catholic Academy was founded to serve the increasing population of the Bloor - Dufferin Catholic community. In 1984, the Metropolitan Separate School Board (now the Toronto Catholic District School Board) asked the Sisters – Faithful Companions of Jesus – to establish a secondary school under the leadership of Sister Bonnie Moser. St. Mary occupied the J.J. McGrand Elementary School building, located in a quiet residential neighbourhood.
In keeping with the religious order’s spirit and desire to educate the whole person, St. Mary Catholic Academy has been guided by the idea "that they may have life and have it to the full" (John 10:10). Thanks to the Faithful Companions of Jesus, St. Mary carries on the tradition of nurturing the lives of all young people, bringing to them a distinctive Christian presence.
Philosophy of the School
Educators at St. Mary Catholic Academy are nurturers of life and joyful messengers of hope and love, bringing the promise of Jesus: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
The school community provides a stimulating and supportive environment, challenging each student to develop to their greatest potential. All educational programs and activities emphasize the formation of the whole person – intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. The Christian education of youth is a privileged opportunity to form apostles, enabling persons to experience Jesus as they direct their gifts towards the service of others and for the transformation of society.
Our belief in success for all students frames our programs, initiatives, and celebrations. It is the recognition that all students have the potential to succeed that motivates the staff and students of our unique community.