Students taking Business courses will learn and develop the skills they need to maximize their opportunities in the 21st Century.
The focus of the Business program includes marketing, financing, managerial leadership, and entrepreneurship.
At St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School, we offer the following Business courses:
Information and Communication Technology in Business (BTT1O1)
Introduction to Business (BBI2O1)
Entrepreneurship: The Enterprising Person (BDP3O1)
Financial Accounting Fundamentals (BAF3M1)
Marketing: Goods, Services, and Events (BMI3C1)
Business Leadership: Becoming a Leader (BOG3E1)
Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals (BOH4M1)
Financial Accounting Principles (BAT4M1)
In addition, guest speakers are regularly invited to the classroom to share their experiences and career paths. In recent years, we have had guest speakers from accounting firms, banks, and small businesses.
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. - Henry Ford