Banner - Intensive Support Program students posing together for a photo with red, pink and white balloons behind them

Reuniting and it feels so good!

St. Mary Catholic Academy was very proud and excited to host a Valentine's Day Dance for Intensive Support Program students from across the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), reuniting friends and colleagues. Students were welcomed with the open arms by friendly volunteers, while being treated to a fun-filled day of snacks, face-painting, karaoke, arts-and-crafts, pasta and meatball lunch, and the main event... the dance!!

And... well... boy did they dance! Students were able to let loose, let love flow, and come together in true celebration of the joy they have for one another. The laughter was abundant, love was truly permeating the building, and the spirit of Christ was felt in our hearts today!

Visit our Instagram for more photos from the event!

Group photo of Intensive Support Program students and volunteers/staff, with pink, red and white balloons behind them.

Student making an announcement while staff watch.

Poster saying Welcome to St. Mary's Valentine's Party with baloons around it, and the poster decorated in red and pink coloured hearts

Photo of the room decorated for the party, with the tables covered in pink and red tablecloths and the walls decorated with red and white streamers and balloons