Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Addressing Islamophobia
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) welcomes many students who identify as Muslim and we welcome them knowing that they further enrich our school communities. Furthermore, the Catholic Church honours the shared history between Christianity and Islam, as Abrahamic faith traditions, and makes effort to engage in dialogue for learning and collaboration.
Given the negative impact of Islamophobia, it is important that we actively work to break down negative stereotypes and stand up against all forms of hate and discrimination.
Resources to Address Islamophobia
The following resources are provided to promote awareness of Islamophobia so that we can effectively address it in our communities.
Islamophobia-Is.com: This website offers a series of brief videos that focus on five themes, as well as an Educator’s Guide with helpful lessons for Grades 6-12. The five themes are centered on the main idea that Islamophobia is:
More than hate crimes.
Perpetuated by mainstream media.
The myth of the Muslim ‘terrorist’.
The myth of shariah takeover.
Islam and the Welcoming Community: A guide for inclusive relationships.