The deadline for 2023 submission has now passed.

Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Anti-Racism Student Video Competition
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is excited to announce our Anti-Racism Student Video Competition for students in grades 6-12.
The theme for 2023 is “Be the Voice of Challenge and Change: What is Your Message for Standing Up for Injustice?”.
What's your message for standing up to injustice? Students are invited to submit their video reflections about race, offering a proposition/solution/action on how to combat racism.
2023 Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Anti-Racism Video Competition!
First Prize for Secondary Schools: Dante Alighieri Academy Catholic Secondary School
First Prize for Elementary Schools: St. Jude Catholic School
Honourable Mentions: St. Mary Catholic Academy, St. Henry Catholic School and St. Basil-the-Great College School
2-2.5 minute video clip (individual or group submission) about the theme, “Be the Voice of Challenge and Change: What is Your Message for Standing Up for Injustice?”.
Video Expression can be via variety of forms (i.e., poem, spoken word, cartoon, song, skit, monologue, drama, and others).
For inspiration, watch our TCDSB Anti-Racism Video Contest Winners Compilation.
Video entries should be recorded in Landscape Format by video in MP4 or MOV formats (phone, camera, iPad, Computer, Photo Booth , etc).
Production quality (sound, video recording and length) will be considered.
Submission Details
All participants must submit the full submission package, which includes:
Completed Media Release and Permission Form: Video Competition Consent Form.
Video submission.
Bio(s) of each participant (name, grade) and description of video.
Label each upload with Contestant(s) Full Name. (e.g. JAY SMITH).
The submission package should be submitted via Google Form.
Contact Information
If you have questions or concerns, contact Jody Huang at