Advisory Committees
Indigenous Education Advisory Committee
Upcoming Meeting Dates
November 12, 2024
January 21, 2025
April 29, 2025
Past Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2024 (Minutes Pending Approval)
If you are looking to access previous meeting minutes, please contact us.
Terms of Reference
The Indigenous Education Advisory Committee was established in 2017 in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Ontario First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework and Implementation Plan.
The Committee collaborated and provided input and feedback for all Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Indigenous Education programming and initiatives, with a specific focus on the development of the annual Board Action Plan for Indigenous Education.
The Committee also collaborated and provided input on efforts directed towards addressing self-identification in order to develop programming and provide specific resources to support student achievement and well-being among Indigenous students.
In response to a Federal Government funding opportunity, the Committee was also consulted on the development of a funding proposal called “The Red Balloon Project”, designed to bring together Indigenous education and Catholic education through the promotion of reconciliation with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples.
The Advisory Committee for Indigenous Communities shall have the responsibility of advising the Board of Trustees and staff of the TCDSB on matters pertaining to the following:
The continuity of the plan and recommendations accepted by the Board at its meeting on May 22, 2012.
The consultation with and the engagement of the Indigenous communities in regard to student achievement.
The assessment of the effectiveness of steps taken to improve the academic success and wellbeing of students of Indigenous background.
The recommendations for programs, services and advocacy.
Recommend the identification and allocation of funds for the implementation of identified strategies and programs.
Provide a review of the impact of the implementation of recommendations (items 4-5).
The sharing of best practices across the Toronto Catholic District School Board.
To meet a minimum of four times per year as an advisory committee with TCDSB staff and the two trustees appointed by the board.
Sharing and circulation of information, resources, tools, statistics, and support available.
Composition of Advisory Committee
8 to 10 representatives of the community to include:
2 TCDSB parents
3 Community organization representatives
1 TCDSB Principal
1 Elder and/or Knowledge Keeper
1 Indigenous Central Resource Teacher
1 Superintendent of Indigenous Education
Qualifications of members
All positions are voluntary.
Members must be of Indigenous speaking background.
Various expertise must be represented.
Gender parity and diversity must be represented.
Terms of Service
The term will be 3 years. Members can hold maximum 2 consecutive terms of 3 years. The committee will review membership and may consider removal of it upon missing two consecutive meetings.
Nomination and Selection Process
As per Board policy, public notice of the positions and process for selection of Indigenous Advisory community members be advertised in Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) bulletins and TCDSB newsletters.
Community members will recommend the nominated candidates for Board approval. Application forms will be brought to the committee members for review.
Aside from those responsibilities outlined in the Terms of Reference, committee members shall attend no less than 50% of the Advisory Committee meetings.
We are here to help and to answer any questions you might have.
Andre O’Bonsawin
Indigenous Affairs Advisor
Email: andre.o'bonsawin@tcdsb.org
Sonya Charal
Indigenous Education Lead Teacher
Email: sonya.charal@tcdsb.org
Cherie Wardle
Indigenous Education Resource Teacher
Email: cherie.wardle@tcdsb.org